
Keeping up with RMA Reform – July 2022 Consultations

There is a lot going on in the RMA sphere with law reform and consultation on national guidance instruments.  From indigenous biodiversity to three waters reform, here are some key dates for consultations closing in July to be aware of.


There is a lot going on in the RMA sphere with law reform and consultation on national guidance instruments at the moment.  Some key dates in July are:

Date Event More information
10 July 2022 Proposed changes to the National Policy Statement Freshwater Management (NPS-FM) and National Environmental Standard Freshwater (NES-F) (including wetland regulations) Exposure Draft feedback due. More information on the NPS-FM and NES-F exposure draft can be found here.
21 July 2022 Draft National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB) Exposure Draft feedback due. More information on the NPSIB exposure draft consultation can be found here.


22 July 2022


Public submissions on the Water Services Entities Bill (ie the first of the Three Waters Bills) close. More information on the Bill can be found here.

A summary of these consultations follows.

Exposure draft of proposed changes to the NPS-FM and NES-F (including wetland regulations)

The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) consulted on proposed amendments to wetland provisions in the NPS-FM and NES-F in September and October 2021.

MfE has now proposed drafting for these amendments, and is seeking feedback on whether the drafting is clear, and if there are any unintended consequences arising from the drafting.

The exposure draft of National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity 

From November 2019 to March 2020, MfE sought public feedback on the introduction of a NPSIB to help protect precious flora and fauna. MfE received over 7000 submissions, with the majority supporting the intent of the NPSIB.

MfE is now seeking feedback on the exposure draft to ensure its provisions are workable.  The exposure draft takes into account submissions received during the public consultation period.  The purpose of the exposure draft is to test the workability of the provisions with key stakeholder groups.

 Water Services Entities Bill

This Bill is the first of a suite of bills to reform New Zealand’s drinking-water, wastewater and stormwater services—the “three waters” services.

The Bill would create four publicly owned water services entities that will provide safe, reliable, and efficient water services in place of local authorities. Each water services entity would take on responsibility for delivering water services to a specific geographical area, from 1 July 2024.

The Bill sets out how the water services entities would operate, and how they would be accountable to the public.


If you require assistance understanding the implications of the upcoming environmental law reform on your business or property or need help preparing submissions then please contact contact Joanna Beresford, Partner, Environmental Law,   + 64 307 1277 or +64 21 114 1277.

 Disclaimer. The information in this article is intended to provide a summary of the topic covered and is for general information only.  It is provided without charge, is not comprehensive, and does not provide legal advice or other advice.  Please seek independent advice before acting on any information in this article.

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