

Featured image for “ADLS Environmental Law Committee Appointment”

ADLS Environmental Law Committee Appointment

Beresford Law is delighted to announce that Environmental and Resource Management Law Partner, Joanna Beresford, has been appointed to the Auckland District Law Society (ADLS) Environmental & Resource Management Committee.  The appointment is for a two-year term.
Featured image for “Keeping up with RMA Reform – July 2022 Consultations”

Keeping up with RMA Reform – July 2022 Consultations

There is a lot going on in the RMA sphere with law reform and consultation on national guidance instruments.  From indigenous biodiversity to three waters reform, here are some key dates for consultations closing in July to be aware of.
Featured image for “Top 5 things that your business can do now to get ready for the upcoming environmental law reform process”

Top 5 things that your business can do now to get ready for the upcoming environmental law reform process

The government has announced that the RMA will be repealed and replaced by the end of the current Parliamentary term.  The RMA governs how business that use or affect our land, air, water or natural or coastal resources can operate.  What emerges from the upcoming law reform process will shape how many businesses operate, and also how New Zealanders live, work, and play for many decades.  If you want to engage effectively in the upcoming process, then it is important to get ready now.
Featured image for “What is tikanga?”

What is tikanga?

In New Zealand the concept of “tikanga” is becoming increasingly relevant. But many people do not understand what tikanga is. In a recent High Court decision Palmer J concludes that tikanga is “law”. This post summarises the discussion of tikanga in Palmer J’s judgment and highlights issues that arise from that decision.
Featured image for “Update on government directed intensification (Auckland focused)”

Update on government directed intensification (Auckland focused)

Auckland Council is currently undertaking a preliminary round of consultation on its proposals to give effect to Central Government intensification directives. This article updates on developments.
Featured image for “Enabling Housing Supply Legislation: Speed above quality and democracy?”

Enabling Housing Supply Legislation: Speed above quality and democracy?

The recent amendments to the RMA are intended to unlock development potential in our cities by removing existing planning rules and encouraging more medium density dwellings to be built.
Featured image for “Beresford Law – Founders’ Story”

Beresford Law – Founders’ Story

Beresford Law is a brand-new law firm that specialises in environmental and civil litigation. It has been established by husband and wife, Geoffrey and Joanna Beresford, to provide an alternative option for the provision of environmental law and civil litigation services.

Geoffrey and Joanna have spent time considering and establishing a business model which will allow them to grow and best serve their clients’ needs. Currently operating from their home office and utilising shared working spaces when needed, Beresford Law is very much a 2022 law firm. It provides advice to range of private clients and businesses directly, and via other lawyers.